Are you ready to go back to Young Dudes??...

Alright guys. This is Kris. Sorry I had to bring back this sorry arse version of the site but as you all know Kawama is at present in the transition of moving to Japan himself so be patient and the site will be back online pretty soon Im sure. In the meantime, I suggest we all go chat on Danchans forum or at BigDaikon until we can get the forum back. If you need to get in touch with me, the e-mail is See you soon guys (It was great meeting you all in Tokyo). Kris, 3rd Decemeber 2003.


File streaming technique by KAWAMA from the forum.

You're gonna need THE GLOBAL IME
to read the JAPANESE VERSION 日本語
If you can't be bothered to download the IME, then go to: SHODOUKA and type this url into the their online translator. (can be slow though!!)
For those of you who're interested in reading the Japanese site and it's contents, but can't speak Japanese, then you need to go to World-Lingo and type in the address of this page into the box whilst selecting Japanese To English. You will laugh your arse off at some of the dodgy translation, but at least you'll get the context of what people are talking about.
Or, another handy little gadget is from Rikai, for Japanese learners, which uses a pop-up interface that displays what a word means in Japanese when you run the mouse pointer over it. Veeeery useful.

view my guestbook sign my guestbook

"...Evil, you know way too much about us Japanese, it's dangerous..but still damn funny...LOL"


"...reading about your adventures, it all seems like a wild dream on a summer night, I feel inspired..."

"...I thought I had found every single shithouse Japan page in existence, but last night I found your masterpiece, dude you really know how to write..."

HEY! You made it! We were waiting for ya! Let me guess..You just surfed through your 1000th "Japan - Where To Find The Best Onsens" page and you were getting sick of the search engine bringing up Asian porno sites every time you typed in "Japanese girls", and were wondering why the hell couldn't you just find a site that would tell you about real Japan. Not the food, not the greatest view-points for Mount Fuji, not what the biggest bloody temple is in Japan - fuck all that, we're talking about about the PEOPLE; the BABES; the BOOZE; the CLUBS; the VIDEO-ARCADES; getting laid without knowing Japanese; surviving with 10 bucks in your back pocket; how not to puke when you eat natto soybeans; and about every little freaky aspect of living life in Japan that you saw on TV and had ever wondered about. Buy that dream plane ticket - but read YD first. Originally this page was started by moi, a sexy English bastard called EvilKris, but now YD's a culmination of efforts from a variety of folk who've either lived in Japan, are full on ex-pats, or who are even bi-lingual Japanese themselves. Sure, the site isn't quite PC in places and a few of you Japanese-wannabee weirdos who memorise haiku out there might feel like you want to bitch a little after reading it, but just reeeelllaaax, take this site for what it is - a bit of fun, a laugh, nothing offensive, nothing unsavoury - and not too seriously, and maybe, just maybe, you'll have an enjoyable read. Check out the personal tales of guys (and girls) from all over on the front page. Then scoot over to the forum to converse with everyone from subjects that range from Chinese vs Japanese babes to - Do I need to bring Condoms when I go to Japan? - to Being Black in Japan - to Gaijin chicks in Japan. And if there's anything not answered in the forum, check out the FAQ. And if you wanna contribute some tongue-in-cheek tales yourself *anything Asia related*, feel free to e-mail me at the address below. Young Dudes, for information about the crazy shit that they can't print in Lonely Planet....

Also we got - Me scoping the babes in Korea, BA-DAM! Red-Lighting it in Amsterdam, BA-DA-BING! And just plain old ME YEA-HEAH! BA-DA-(Just what the hell does that mean anyway..?)And hey, leave a message in the guest book will ya? And feel free to link this site to anywhere you please.

(?) = last time updated

Sapporo & Japan
So why'd I go in the first place?(?)
Japanese girls and being a Foreigner(?)
Nightlife, Where to go on Friday Night. Girl Hang-Outs!(?)
Sapporo People Places(?)
About becoming a English Teacher(?)
Teaching: Degrees, Qualifications, Visas(?)
Other Dudes you meet in Japan(?)
Making out when you're broke: Cheap Ass Places(?)

Travel Related
Red lighting it up in Amsterdam(?)
Sukebe Gaijin in Korea(?)

Young Dude does the USA (23/11/00)

Babes and Me
So you wanna know about me? eh?(Oct 6th/00)
Evils 007 Girls - File 001:Mysterious Chinese Babe(?)
Evils 007 Girls - File 002:Tokyo Miki(?)
Evils 007 Girls - File 003:The One that Got Away(?)
Evils 007 Girls - File 004:Everybody Remembers Their First Love(16/02/01)
Fascinating Worldly Stuff?(05/01/01)

Leather Lounge Chat Room

Asia/Gaijin related movie review section!! (13th Oct '00)
Asia/Gaijin related book review section!! (28th Oct '00)
ALL NEW!! Professional's in Japan who're not English teachers. Questionaire (under construction)

An in-process write-up of my time in New York and Silicon Valley..Keep checking the site for updates of what I get up to, the babes, the beer, everything Young Dudes Guide to Japan has but USA related..Updated (4/01/01)

NEW!! - Contributed Asia Stories and Tips (disclaimer: whatever these people say or however dirty, it has nothing to do with me okay??)


A Stranger to Japan?
- Getting through immigration, coping with other gaijin, plus thoughts on the enigma that is vending machines in Japan. (James - British)

Tokyo Story
- Details of a night out in Roppongi, the heart of Japan's night-life. (Ace - American)

The Tokyo Girl
- What can happen to you if you're Japanese but your English is perfect. (Oscar - Japanese)

The Viagra Guy
- So you think too much sex is a good thing??(Oscar - Japanese)

8 Japanese Kickers & 1 Stuffed Gaijin
- Getting the crap kicked out of you in Japan. Happy times. (James - British)

NEW!! - Greatest Hits of the FORUM - pages dedicated to the funniest or most interesting comments that have gone into the Young Dudes Forum

How I got my name Oscar...
- rites de passage of a young Japanese and his first experience of gaijin(foreigners) (Oscar - Japanese)

You know you're AAA when...
- reckon you're hooked on Asian women, see how many of these comments fit your description. *hilarious*(James - Welsh/Italian)

The Specialist...
- Another good one from the talented Oscar. How to survive a bad case of lack-of-sex-itus, and some interesting facts about womens Achilles tendon.(Oscar - Japanese)

Ma Luv Fer Geisha Wummin...
- Written by someone anonymous, many people didn't catch the sense of humour in this one, but I personally found it very funny, so here y'ar yall!!. Here's Part 2 if you're interested. (Johnny - ???)

Nova, got any weed to sell?...
- Thinking of going to work for one of the big companies. Here's a few reasons why not..(Kawama - American)

Here's a good one..
- Why don't Japanese guys get jealous when they see white guys with a sexy Asian girls?..The lead-on "Warui Kedo" is also an interesting thread about the hesitancy of Japanese to date white women, and jealousy between gaijin. (No Name - American/Me - UK)

Battle Report..
- Have you ever met a chick off the internet. Did she turn out to be a card-carrying psycho??? this one did..(James - British)

The Business Deal
- Ever humped another guys wife? This guy did and got unusual results...(James - British)

Better Late Than Never
- New country, new experiences, new love. A foreigners first awakening to international romance in a domestic environment...(Johnny - American)

I'm only gonna put interesting links here - newest ones at the top:

LETSJAPAN - For all you potential JETsetters, here's most informative and interesting page I could find on the internet concerning the JET program. Cant Touch This

GAS - Diary of a Japanese porn-director. Very funny with it's unusual English. Hit this Link

FastSeduction - a multitude of humorous techniques to pick up chicks. Makes a good read before going out on a Friday night on the pull. Better than pheromones

QUIRKY JAPAN - Just a page about Japan that has a lot of interesting facts that you didn't know. Not too pretty, but a good read, trust your Uncle Kris. I thoguht the compaisons of American Ice-Cream men to Yakiimo men were chuckle-worthy.Weird & Wonderful

JAPANESE TUTOR - Really one of the better pages I found for learning Japanese. It also has a program which will take the Japanese site you type in, and highlight the kanji with hiragana translations. Really saves time. Japanese Tutor

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